Exercise is self love

Exercise is an act of love

Most people wince at the word exercise. It has a bad connotation of torture, pain, reluctance. It is seen as punishment for eating too much, for being too lazy. It isn’t about being compassionate to ourselves; it’s about punishing ourselves for not doing what we “should” be doing.

But let’s reframe exercise. Rather than it being punishment for not having the body that we want, the strong abs, the visible triceps, the skinny thighs, why not see it as an act of love for ourselves?

Pppfffft, I hear you say. Let me defend exercise. First, let’s call it movement. It’s about moving our bodies. That’s a good reframe. Second, we know exercise is excellent for our cardiovascular health, and our bone health and our brain health. Third, we know it boosts our endorphins, making us happier. Fourth, we know it helps us sleep better, which in turn makes us happier. Fifth, we know it helps us make wiser food choices when we are happier. Sixth, movement makes us sweat, which cleanses our skin, making us look more radiant, which makes us happier. Seventh, it improves our digestion, which makes us happier.

Movement is an act of love for ourselves because we are working on our happiness. It has been proven that 30 mintues of cardiovascular movement a day (a brisk walk, run, yoga, pilates, swimming, etc) is just as effective as the most popular anti depressants. AND with no negative side effects!

For your happiness, let’s get moving. And as a side effect, you might get that body you want :).

Yuki Molteni