The power of RAIN

Let it RAIN

with self compassion

Stinging moments are when you are pierced by an unpleasant situation and you want to lash out. Did someone just say something unkind? Did you receive stressful news? Did someone just annoy you profusely?

You have a split second to decide how to react: with anger/stress/anxiety or with empathy and self compassion. RAIN is a wonderful tool to try the second reaction. RAIN is a kinder approach in a bad situation for you and the receiver. Tara Brach, a psychologist and meditation teacher, created this mindfulness tool that helps soothe our minds and bodies.

R= recognise the feeling and be as specific as you can be. Stress? Anger? Anxiety? Panic?

A= accept and allow it to happen. Like the tide, it will recede. Don’t try to bat it away but allow it to subside.

I= investigate how your body is reacting. Is it a faster heart rate? Shallow breathing? Inability to focus?

N= nurture yourself through the feeling. Speak to yourself and the situation with compassion. Try to reverse the physical reaction you are experiencing. If your heart rate is high, calm it down by breathing in through the nose, out through the mouth, and counting your heart beat until it has slowed down.

The next time you experience something that stings, can you try to let it RAIN?

Yuki Molteni