What I believe in: Do it badly!

Start badly…

Just as long as you start.

Starting something is hard. The first step is the hardest because before that step comes the anticipation of starting it, which is always harder than the act of doing it.

Before we start, we think about how we are going to do it perfectly and trying to convince ourselves that we won’t fail at it. And we keep planning and thinking, thinking and planning. And maybe we may not end up starting at all.

So why not set yourself a goal to start and to start badly? That’s a good goal to have: it’s too small to fail :). And why not prepare to have a laugh about how badly it went, because, I can quite assure you, that it will definitely NOT be as bad as you are expecting it to be. Now that’s a lovely surprise and pat on the back for you.

So if you are thinking of starting to run, rather than planning your clothes, your route, the time you will run and how much you will run (and not walk), just throw your shoes on and go. Just go. Do it imperfectly. And have a laugh.

What’s your first step?

Yuki Molteni