What I believe in: Aim for moderate


Keeping it easy

Aim for moderate

Aiming high, I believe, is irrelevant. I believe in aiming for moderate. Half way. Good enough.

Let me explain: if you are sad, you don’t aim for deliriously happy. You just want to be happy, which is in the middle. Moderate. If you are a buffoon, you don’t want to become serious, you want to be funny. Middle.

What’s the purpose of aiming for half, way? For moderate? It makes the task seem easier, attainable. You feel like you just need to take a few baby steps to the right or left, not become the absolute opposite of who you are.

How are you feeling today? Do you want to change it a little bit? What can you do to make it a little bit better? What little thing can you do today to make things align to what is important to you today?

Yuki Molteni