What I believe in: An obstacle is an opportunity

Is it an obstacle?

Or is it an opportunity?

When faced with an obstacle, a disruption, a problem, there are two ways to handle it: to shy away to or to push through it.

Since you’re here reading this blog, I think you are the type that will want to push through it. Excellent! Pushing through means finding a creative solution to a problem. What you might find is that the solution may be better than what you were doing before. For example, you’re faced with a tube strike. How disruptive to your daily habit of sleep walking through your commute! You look at alternatives and discover another method - perhaps the over ground or a bike. Maybe this route will suffice while there is a strike but maybe, just maybe, it is better than your old commute!

The obstacle became a learning opportunity to find a better solution.

Can you think of an obstacle, one that you faced previously or one that you are currently facing, and reframe it as an opportunity?

Yuki Molteni
What I believe in: More good than bad

Finding the golden nugget in a pile of dirt

There’s good in every bad

This has been an unusual year to say the least. As much as it has brought worry and uncertainty, it has also been a time of reflection and insight. I do believe that in every situation which is perceived as negative, there is definitely at least one GOOD thing that can be extrapolated from it.

That’s one of the many things I believe in. Find one good thing in the bad. It might seem hard to do at times, but when you find that golden nugget, it changes the way you perceive the bad.

If you find yourself struggling, can you find that golden nugget of good?

Your emotions have a limited band width so by actively seeing more good, you naturally start to see less bad.

Yuki Molteni